Xhorse XN or XE Wireless Remote for Honda CRV Remote Generation?


Customer asked if i could make him a flip key for a 08 Honda CR-V. I bought a few Xhorse universal flips and was trying to generate the remote in XE-wireless key, the purple package ones. If just says not supported, the key is XEMQB1EN. When i try to generate the same Honda Remote in to another XE, XEB510EN, i can see the Mini tool will recognize the remote.

Any idea?

Xhorse Remote for Honda Remote 1

XEB510EN is different XE remote because it comes with the XT27B and the XEMQB1EN is with the old chip type XY27A.

Generally for Honda the XN work better.

Xhorse is having problems generating Honda remotes with XE the fob will only genetate the transponder but not the remote part, it will go blank or bricked.

Blue package XN wireless remote key works on Honda.

Xhorse Remote for Honda Remote 2

Can I Unlock MLB Key with VVDI MLB Tool?


Is it possible to reuse an Audi MLB key fob. Xhorse vvdi key tool plus has these options. Can we read key with VVDI MLB Tool and reset the key fob to a new state? What option… Recover the key / Upgrade OEM keys? Any idea?

Will Xhorse VVDI MLB Tool Unlock MLB Key 1


Will Xhorse VVDI MLB Tool Unlock MLB Key 2


VVDI MLB keys can be reused.

OEM can be virgin as well. If it used then can’t be unlocked.

If order an OEM key, by vin, from the dealer…but don’t program it to the car…you can unlock it and use it on another car.

If it is a used OEM key. You won’t be able to reuse.

VVDI Key Tool Plus Renault Key Programming Review

Will Xhorse vvdi key tool plus program Renault Clio V (i.e 2020 Clio 5) or Clio IV key? add key and all keys lost?


This is a frequently asked question.

No, Xhorse only does Renault Clio till year 2012. So it cannot do Clio 4/Clio 5 at present.


VVDI Key Tool Plus Program Renault Clio V Key


Xhorse released a groundbreaking update in 2024.  Xhorse VVDI Key Tool Max Pro received this update too.

The update is very good and tested working by many users.

We did 2014 Renault Master today with Xhorse Key Tool Plus. all keys lost. 30 second job. Easy.

One of our customers have completed the card smart key programming of Renault Talisman 2019 and Megane IV 2018 using new software patch and everything OK. It does not read the EEPROM. Seems safe and takes only about 3 minutes to make a dealer key and about 2 minutes to program keys in.

It does do some Renaults, but it does not support Clio V, Clio IV, Master 3, Duster PH3 etc.

Waiting for feature updates.



Program 2017 Ford Explorer Smart Key using Xhorse XM38 902Mhz

User review:

Saved by xhorse universal remote again.

It is a 2017 Ford Explorer.  902mhz. FCC ID: M3N-A2C31243300

Using 902 Xhorse XM38 smart key.

Generate with xhorse and program by Autel IM508.

There is a way to change button configuration.  Hot function has menu for button config.


Xhorse XM38 Works on 2017 Ford Explorer 902Mhz 1


I changed the Panic for Remote Start on my Explorer.  You should stock those. Every popular.

This one was Xhorse XM38 smart key. Autel also has Ford style 902 smart key.

Xhorse XM38 Works on 2017 Ford Explorer 902Mhz 2

The difference is that Xhorse single remote can do 315mhz/902mhz. On Autel they are separate remotes. The L (315/433 MHz) and the H (868/902 MHz) versions.

Autels catalog is pretty limited, so less entries means less mistakes too. On the other hand, Xhorse only needs you to stock less keys, has a bigger coverage, and you have a feedback section where you read other users success/failures and any additional information they share.



How to Update VVDI FBS3 Smart Key and Change Frequency by Key Tool Plus

This is a guide on how to use Xhorse VVDI Key Tool Plus to update Mercedes-Benz FBS3 Smart Key without cutting the resistor off step by step. Also includes the procedure to set frequency and collect bonus points.

Update VVDI FBS3 Smart Key and Change Frequency 1

Update VVDI FBS3 Smart Key and Change Frequency 2

How to update MB FBS3 smart key?

Assemble the Benz FBS3 Key to put a battery in, then insert into Key Tool Plus.

Immo programming >> Benz >> Select from system >>Read write key >> VVDI BE key >> Start programming >> Upgrade VVDI BE smart key

Insert MB smart key into device IR coil and press OK!

Please select the version to be upgrade: 1.1.4

Press “Yes” to continue.

Update MB smart key to success!

Update VVDI FBS3 Smart Key and Change Frequency 3
Update VVDI FBS3 Smart Key and Change Frequency 4
Update VVDI FBS3 Smart Key and Change Frequency 5
Update VVDI FBS3 Smart Key and Change Frequency 6

How to set BE key frequency?

Set BE key frequency >> 315MHz

Set frequence success!

Update VVDI FBS3 Smart Key and Change Frequency 7
Update VVDI FBS3 Smart Key and Change Frequency 8
Update VVDI FBS3 Smart Key and Change Frequency 9

How to verify & collect BE key bonus points?

Click “Online verify BE key”.

Online check VVDI BE Key status, whether it contains bonus points or not. This function only verify, you can use upload points move BE key bonus points to your device.

Input VVDI BE key to device and press OK.

We can see this BE key has bonus points.

Click “Collect bonus points”.

Transfer VVDI BE key bonus points to your device. After upload success, the BE key will not contain bonus points.

Input VVDI BE key to device and press OK.

Success upload bonus points to your device!

Update VVDI FBS3 Smart Key and Change Frequency 10
Update VVDI FBS3 Smart Key and Change Frequency 11

How to Turn off Xhorse Dolphin II Lock Screen Password?

What to do if forget the lock screen password for Xhorse Condor Mini Plus/Condor II or Dolphin II key cutting machine?


Xhorse Condor Forget Lock Screen Password 1


There are several solutions:

1. The default passwords for the xhorse Condor key cutting machine include 000000, 111111, and 123456. Try them one by one.


2. If not working, connect xhorse condor/dolphin with laptop. Run Xhorse Upgrade Kit – recognize the device – “Repair” in the upper-right corner – repair internal errors 1-2 – clear all (step3 for about 3 times) – click “Upgrade” after 3 times of success. Then start key cutting machine.


Xhorse Condor Forget Lock Screen Password 1


3. If it is Dolphin XP005L, in Xhorse App, go to Device Info->Start password-> Close password.

If you forget password, uninstall APP then install again.




You can enter password to turn off the key cutting machine password.

Xhorse Condor Forget Lock Screen Password 3


Xhorse Condor Forget Lock Screen Password 4


Xhorse Condor Forget Lock Screen Password 5


Xhorse Condor Forget Lock Screen Password 6

How to Modify VVDI MLB Tool Firmware to Work with MQB48 Adapter?

Xhorse VVDI MLB Tool updated MQB48 NEC35XX immo data collection function recently. Follow the steps below to update your VVDI MLB Tool firmware to use MQB48 adapter.


The MQB48 adapter comes with solder wires and an enhanced version replacement chip.

Update Xhorse VVDI MLB Tool Firmware to Use with MQB48 Adapter 1

Remove 4 screws on the back of the MLB tool and open the shell.

Update Xhorse VVDI MLB Tool Firmware to Use with MQB48 Adapter 2
Update Xhorse VVDI MLB Tool Firmware to Use with MQB48 Adapter 3
Update Xhorse VVDI MLB Tool Firmware to Use with MQB48 Adapter 4

Remove 2 screws on the main board and check out the other side.

Update Xhorse VVDI MLB Tool Firmware to Use with MQB48 Adapter 5

This is the front of the main board.

Update Xhorse VVDI MLB Tool Firmware to Use with MQB48 Adapter 6

Replace this chip using the enhanced replacement chip in the package.

Update Xhorse VVDI MLB Tool Firmware to Use with MQB48 Adapter 7
Update Xhorse VVDI MLB Tool Firmware to Use with MQB48 Adapter 8
Update Xhorse VVDI MLB Tool Firmware to Use with MQB48 Adapter 9
Update Xhorse VVDI MLB Tool Firmware to Use with MQB48 Adapter 10
Update Xhorse VVDI MLB Tool Firmware to Use with MQB48 Adapter 11

After replacing the chip, reinstall the VVDI MLB Tool.

Update Xhorse VVDI MLB Tool Firmware to Use with MQB48 Adapter 12

Then you can use the MQB48 adapter to collect immo data.

NOTE: Both the device and the adapter need to be connected to a power supply !!!

Update Xhorse VVDI MLB Tool Firmware to Use with MQB48 Adapter 13

Xhorse XM38 Toyota fits Emergency Blades

As titled,  which emergency blade fits in Xhorse Toyota xm38 smart key?


Which Emergency Blade fits in Xhorse XM38 Toyota 1


Toy40, but after some “improvemets” you can fit toy48.

The standard xhorse flip blades work in these, but i found you have to modify inside the shell a little bit removing some of the plastic in the track where they slide in and then they work perfect.

If you try to fit a toy48,then the secret is shave down the bottom of the blade(make it narrower).
If you pop the shell open it takes like 10 seconds with a utility knife. Pretty cool.

Which Emergency Blade fits in Xhorse XM38 Toyota 2

How to Get the Synchro, CS & Pin by VVDI MLB Tool

By using with Xhorse VVDI MLB Tool, we can get the synchro, CS & Pin from the original key for backup. After successful MLB data collection and calculation, this data is available after the dealer key was generated. Detailed steps are as follows:


Step1. Identifiaction Key

Please place the key in the device identification area for identification.


Step2. Collect Key Data

Open the original car key, connect the original car key PCB as shown in the diagram, and click the collect key data button after connection. It will take about 3-4 minutes. The server takes approximately 10s to calculate. After the calculation is completed, please save the calculation results.


Step3. Make Dealer Key

Load the calculation data saved in the step2 and generate dealer keys. Then use VVDI2 or KEY TOOL PLUS for key learning.

Will VVDI MLB Tool Calculate Synchro, CS and PIN 1

Run VVDI2 software and select correspoding vehicle software, i.e Audi
Select Key Learn->MLB Immobilizer System.


Will VVDI MLB Tool Calculate Synchro, CS and PIN 2


Will VVDI MLB Tool Calculate Synchro, CS and PIN 3


Upload data read by MLB tool. Then you will get CS and PIN.

Will VVDI MLB Tool Calculate Synchro, CS and PIN 4