Here’s the guide to personalize Mercedes E-class W207 2011 ESL (key with BGA chip) using Xhorse VVDI MB Tool without renewing the EIS. The process of calculating the password, reading the EIS data and programming ESL is performed by the VVDI MB.
Insert key into EIS
Open VVDI MB software
Open VVDI MB software
Select EIS Tools, Read EIS data and save it
Save HC05 format file as well
Go to Password Calculation
Tick lost all working key
Go to Password Calculation
Tick lost all working key
Select Mode OBD and Chassis W172,204,207 (FAST)
Follow steps below to finish
1. Connect VVDI MB tool with MB power adapter and OBD cable
2. Connect IR adapter to VVDI-MB tool
3. Press Data acquisition
4. wait until 100% complete
5. Save acquisition data
Follow steps below to finish
1. Connect VVDI MB tool with MB power adapter and OBD cable
2. Connect IR adapter to VVDI-MB tool
3. Press Data acquisition
4. wait until 100% complete
5. Save acquisition data
This opeartin need about 18 minutes. Connect EIS with cable before continue
Don’t connect ESL to cable.
Don’t connect ESL to cable.
Press Upload Data, update eis data saved above
Success find key password
Copy the password
Untick if lost all working key and select IR mode
Select Chassis W172,204,207,212 (with ELV)
Untick if lost all working key and select IR mode
Select Chassis W172,204,207,212 (with ELV)
Step 1: Connect IR adapter to VVDI MB
Step 2: Data acquisition
1.Insert working key to ignition, wating 5 seconds
2.Take out working key, insert again, last insret to IR reader,
3.Data acquisition
4.Insert working key to ignitoon, waiting 30s,
5.Insert working key to device IR reader, wait end
6. Save acquisition data
Step 3: Press Upload Data to send acquisition data
Step 4: Press Query Result to get key password
Step 2: Data acquisition
1.Insert working key to ignition, wating 5 seconds
2.Take out working key, insert again, last insret to IR reader,
3.Data acquisition
4.Insert working key to ignitoon, waiting 30s,
5.Insert working key to device IR reader, wait end
6. Save acquisition data
Step 3: Press Upload Data to send acquisition data
Step 4: Press Query Result to get key password
Select ESL Tools
Select Load VVDI-MB EIS Data with key password
and paste key password to corresponding area
Connect EIS with Xhorse ESL emulator
Tick Auto clear TP and personalized
Press Write button
Writing data
Press Write button
Writing data
Writing data success
Remove and insert key to EIS and repeat several times.