How to: Program a 2012 Audi Q5 All Keys Lost using Xhorse VVDI2 VAG key programmer via OBD.
Step 1: Connect VVDI2 to car by OBD, start read BCM data
Open VVDI2 software, select Key Learn->5th Immobilizer System
(Supports Audi A4L/Q5/A5/A6L(2012-)/A7/A8(2011-)/VW Touareg(2011-)
(Supports Audi A4L/Q5/A5/A6L(2012-)/A7/A8(2011-)/VW Touareg(2011-)
Select Read BCM2 Data(OBDII)
If lost all working key, open the headlight, and step on the brake before continue.
Read key information
Disconnect BCM module from power fro 2-3 seconds and reconnect again.
Trying to reconnect to BCM…
Trying to reconnect to BCM…
Save BCM2 data.
Step 2. Verify key lock status with “Check key status”button
Step 3: Press “Prepare Dealer Key”, it requests load the BCM2 data read in step 1. Then out the programmable key into programmer.
Prepare the dealer key with tips.
Prepare the dealer key with tips.
Step 4: Connect VVDI2 with car, prepare all the key for this car. Insert one key into switch ignition, input
the key number you want to learn. Then press “Key learning”, it requests load the BCM2 data read in step 1.
Complete the key learning follow the tips.
the key number you want to learn. Then press “Key learning”, it requests load the BCM2 data read in step 1.
Complete the key learning follow the tips.
All keys successfully learned.