Free Download J2534 Software for Xhorse MVCI Pro

VVDISHOP.COM here provides Xhorse MVCI Pro J2534 cable software for free.

Including Ford, Honda, Mazda, Nissan, Peugeot, Toyota, Volvo, VAG, Subaru and Renault software.


xhorse mvci pro driver list


Operating system: Windows 7, Windows 10 and Windows 11


MVCI Pro driver current software version V2.1.8

Firmware version V1.3.3

Make sure update driver to latest version.

xhorse mvci pro fw 1.3.3

Free Download MVCI Pro J2534 Software

VAG ODIS 9.1.0 Software

Ford Mazda Honda Toyota Nissan PSA Volvo software



Software version:

1.ODIS service: 9.1.0

2. Ford IDS V121

1). Install IDS-121.01_full.exe
2). Install VCI_Software_1.0.0.10.exe
3). Install VCI Manager 20.11.24.exe

4). Install Ford driver in mvci pro manager
5). Run IDS_Path.exe

3. Honda HDS 3.102

4. Mazda IDS V121

1). Install MazdaIDS-121.00.exe

2). Install VCI Manager 20.11.24.exe


5. Nissan Consult 3 Plus v237


6. Toyota Techstream 12.00.127
1). run GTS_12.00.127_TME_NDSI.exe
2). MainMenu.exe replace to installation directory
3). key.txt register


7. Volvo VIDA 2014D


8. Peugeot Citroen PSA Diagbox 9.85 (require activation, key is in the notepad)


9. Renault CLIP V219 (require activation)
1), Run Install Fix
2), Install CLIP
3), Install Bosch Driver (RNM+VI+V20.2+v9.0.912.220+Setup.exe)
4), Install VCI Driver (RENAULT VCI Driver
5), Registration CLIP

Xhorse MVCI Pro Update Renault and Peugeot Drivers

 Xhorse MVCI pro j2534 passthru cable update new driver version 1.3.3. Adding more drivers for different car brands.

Software version:  V2.1.8

Firmware version: 1.3.3

Download MVCI Pro driver software

First update software version, after upgrading the software version, you need to uninstall and reinstall the driver again.


Xhorse MVCI Pro Update Renault Nissan PSA Volvo Drivers 1


MVCI Pro now is compatible with following software


Honda HDS

Ford IDS

Mazda IDS

Toyota techstream

Subaru SSM3 (does not support SSM4)


Volvo VIDA


Renault CLIP

Peugeot Citroen Diagbox

Xhorse MVCI Pro Update Renault Nissan PSA Volvo Drivers 2


Software is not included. Need to find software by yourself.

How to Configure Xhorse MVCI Pro with Mitsubishi MUT-III 2023 Version

Good news. Xhorse MVCI Pro was tested working with Mitsubishi MUT-III 23061-00 [2023 version] software.


NOTE: MVCI Pro here was only used as J2534 adapter because it does not have Mitsubishi driver if as OEM emulator.


You need:

Xhorse MVCI Pro J2534

Mitsubishi MUT-III 2023.06 software

Download ‘common‘ replacement file.

Operating system: Win10 64bit


How to set up mvci pro j2534 passthru for Mitsubishi MUT-III 2023.06?

Install MUT-III software and mvci pro driver.

Right click on mut3se shortcut, open file location, go one folder back to see the common folder.
Rename the common folder to anyname like commonORI for example.
Extract the common.rar to same location and start your mut3se from your desktop shortcut.


Xhorse MVCI Pro with Mitsubishi MUT-III 2023.06 1


Xhorse MVCI Pro with Mitsubishi MUT-III 2023.06 2


Xhorse MVCI Pro with Mitsubishi MUT-III 2023.06 3


Xhorse MVCI Pro with Mitsubishi MUT-III 2023.06 4


Xhorse MVCI Pro with Mitsubishi MUT-III 2023.06 5


Video reference:

Test on 2007 Outlander


MVCI Pro should also work with 2022 version MUT-3 software but use different replace files.

How to Set up Xhorse MVCI Pro with Honda HDS on Win7?

Here’s a guide on setting up Honda HDS (Honda Diagnostic System) software and xhorse mvci pro j2534 cable on windows 7 64bit.


The VCI cable used here is an Xhorse MVCI Pro J2534 that was bought on  It comes with a regular USB A plug and a built-in USB to serial adapter. Some tried running it on a VirtualBox VM with no luck. Installing it on the laptop itself fixed the cable software and authorization issues I had.
Hardware needed:
-Xhorse mvci pro j2534 cable
-A pair of USB sticks. 16GB or more preferred.
-A laptop with at least 4GB RAM and 40GB of free disk space for the win7 partition. If you have a spare laptop laying around that you can wipe without worry, that’s even better.

Software needed:
-Win7 x64 SP1 ISO with as many updates rolled in as possible.
-Win7 drivers for your laptop. Hopefully your laptop manufacturer has one big setup file you can download.
-Xhorse MVCI Pro
-Honda HDS suite with HDS and iHDS.
-Rufus (for windows) or woeUSB with 7z for Linux users to create a bootable win7 USB.
-Bootable gparted USB stick for resizing your current disk partitions and creating the partition for win7.

Most halfway modern laptops won’t have a DVD drive so you’ll install win7 by creating a bootable USB drive. A dd type operation where the .iso is copied onto the stick byte by byte doesn’t work with win7 like it does with Linux isos. So you’ll have to use Rufus if you’re on windows, or woeUSB if you’re running anything Linux based. Make sure you have “7z” command installed, since woeUSB uses it to build the EFI boot guts required to install win7 on gpt partitions that have been the standard for many years now. If you will not dual boot, then it gets a lot simpler.

Make sure you disable Secure Boot and enable legacy boot ROMs (that’s what it’s called in my dell BIOS). Another gotcha you might run into is having to temporarily change your SATA controller mode from AHCI to ATA. To change it back after the install, do the regedit hack to update the setting in win7, shut down, change the settings in BIOS and boot win7 to verify it still boots normally (you’ll know it worked when it boots and prompts to restart again).

The long and hard part is over. Go ahead and install the MVCI Pro software and reboot. Plug in the xhorse cable and wait for the drivers to finish load. Open the MVCI Pro and click on the connect button. Once it’s connected and you see the serial number, go ahead and click “read authorization”. It will show nothing but you should not get any error messages like ff03 like I did on a VM. Click “update authorization”. After a few seconds you’ll see the authorization list update with 999 count and all the makes in the green.

Go to the service tab and install the Honda HDS driver. The software is a bit clunky and you might have to click a couple times to get the installer to come up.

Now time to install HDS and iHDS. Click the setup in the root of the downloaded HDS suite and it will install HDS. Once that’s done, go to the iHDS subfolder on the install folder and run the installer for iHDS since it appears HDS needs to be launched from within iHDS. Don’t ask me why lol!

Finally, you can launch the iHDS and select XH-HONDA in the interface selection.


xhorse mvci pro and honda hds 1


xhorse mvci pro and honda hds 2


xhorse mvci pro and honda hds 3


It should all be point and click from there, folks!

Xhorse MVCI Pro ODIS V23 Test Report

Xhorse MVCI Pro J2534 was tested working with VW Audi Skoda Seat ODIS-S service software V23 and ODIS-E Engineer software V17.


xhorse mvci pro


Software version: ODIS-S V23.0.1/ ODIS-E V17.01

odis-e v17

odis s v23

License: Included License Standalone and License for all brand

Compatible device: Xhorse MVCI Pro (and other passthru devices VXDIAG VCX SE 6154, openport 2, vnci 6154a, godiag j2534 etc)

Operating system: Win10 or later O/S, RAM>4G. Win7 is not supported since this version.

Language: Multi-language


Both software can be downloaded for free. But not include keygen.


If need activation, contact

We will send software in U disk format which contains 1 time free activation for both ODIS-S and ODIS-E software.



Tested models by far:

Model VIN ECU Type Protocol ODIS S 11 ODIS S 23.0.1 ODIS E 17.01
2007 AUDI A6 LFV3A24F273054910 MED9.1 KWP2000
2005 VWCaddy LFVBC32K053000112 EDC16U1 KWP2000
2007 VW Passat WVWVU73CX7E001193 CAN BUS
2017 VW Passat LFV3A23C5H3071340 SIMOS 18.3 CAN BUS
2008 Audi A6 WAUDH74F98N068455 SIMOS 6.22A CAN BUS
2008 VW Passat LFV3A23C583003748 MED17.5 CAN BUS MVCI Pro supports full system diagnostics (other J2534 only OBD scan)
2008 AUDI A6 LFV5A24F783014364 SIMOS 8.10 CAN BUS X X


Steps to Install ODIS-S/ODIS-E

1.Install Setup

2.Activate software

3. Install PostSetup

4. Install driver

5. Run software


MVCI Pro J2534 driver is included in the U disk.

mvci pro j2534 driver

GM Tech2win Cannot See Xhorse MVCI Pro?


I got the xhorse mvci pro passthru to work with GM Tech2win software, after install Tech2win and connect vci, i cannot see mvci pro device. Any idea?


GM Tech2Win cannot see Xhorse MVCI Pro passthru 1




To use software with mvci pro, you have to install the corresponding driver in device manager.


GM Tech2Win cannot see Xhorse MVCI Pro passthru 2


Xhorse has not released driver for GM GDS2/Tech2win yet. So it cannot be used with mvci pro.

Compatible Software list:


Ford/Mazda IDS

Toyota Techstream

Honda HDS

Subaru SSM4

How to Install Honda HDS Software for Xhorse MVCI Pro?

Xhorse MVCI Pro J2534 interface is tested working with Honda HDS diagnostic system software.  Here is the instruction on how to set up Honda HDS for MVCI pro.


Download Honda HDS V3.102.051

password: ntadgm

Download Honda HDS V3.104.024

password: hecsv3


*If don’t need newer 3.104 version, just install 3.102 version.

*If need to use 3.104 hds with mvci pro, you should install 3.102 first, then install 3.104.




Set up Xhorse MVCI Pro with Honda HDS 1


Install HDS 3.102 setup
Press Next
Accept license agreement
Select region- Other region

Select country
Enter dealer code: 123456


Set up Xhorse MVCI Pro with Honda HDS 2

Select setup language 


Set up Xhorse MVCI Pro with Honda HDS 3

Finish installing HDS 3.102 software 


Set up Xhorse MVCI Pro with Honda HDS 4



Set up Xhorse MVCI Pro with Honda HDS 5


Install HDS 3.104.024 setup until finished.


Run Honda FIX patch to crack HDS


Set up Xhorse MVCI Pro with Honda HDS 6


Download and Install MVCI Pro driver

Free Download Xhorse MVCI Pro J2534 Driver Software


Set up Xhorse MVCI Pro with Honda HDS 7

Connect MVCI Pro j2534 cable with laptop 


Set up Xhorse MVCI Pro with Honda HDS 8

Check device is connected in Device Manager
Run MVCI Pro j2534on desktop 

Set up Xhorse MVCI Pro with Honda HDS 9

Check device connection status


Set up Xhorse MVCI Pro with Honda HDS 10
Set up Xhorse MVCI Pro with Honda HDS 11

Make sure update software and firmware to latest version 

Set up Xhorse MVCI Pro with Honda HDS 12
Install Honda driver in MVCI pro

Software is ready to use.

Run HDS software

Set up Xhorse MVCI Pro with Honda HDS 13

Set up Xhorse MVCI Pro with Honda HDS 14

How to Fix Xhorse MVCI Pro Sync Authorization 2 Failed Error?


I got the xhorse mvci pro j2534 cable connected and try to update authorization, but failed, says error “Sync authorization 2 failed! Error code: ff02”


Fix Xhorse MVCI Pro Sync Authorization 2 Error 1



[Read Authorization]:  You can read the current device authorization status and available times. (Note: When the number of available times is 0, the use of most functions will be limited)

[Update Authorization] You can update the latest authorization status of the device and reset the available times.


Users have to update both software and firmware to latest versions, then update authorization.

xhorse mvci pro firmware and software

Where to Download Xhorse MVCI Pro Driver?

Xhorse released a new MVCI Pro J2534 diagnostic cable for VAG ODIS, Toyota Techstream, Honda HDS, Subaru SSM4, Ford IDS, Mazda IDS etc.


Download and Install Xhorse MVCI Pro J2534 Driver 1


Here provides mvci pro j2534 driver download free.


download Xhorse mvci pro j2534 driver


How to Install Xhorse MVCI Pro j2534 driver?

Download and Install Xhorse MVCI Pro J2534 Driver 2

Download and Install Xhorse MVCI Pro J2534 Driver 3

Download and Install Xhorse MVCI Pro J2534 Driver 4

Download and Install Xhorse MVCI Pro J2534 Driver 5


How to use Xhorse MVCI Pro J2534 cable?
1. Download J2534 compatible software
The device is compatible with original diagnostic software.
Xhorse does not provide software download, download software from 3rd party or original manufacturer’s website.


2. Download and install MVCI Pro J2534 software

3. Connect MVCI Pro cable with laptop and vehicle

Download and Install Xhorse MVCI Pro J2534 Driver 6



Run MVCI Pro driver

Connect j2534 cable

Download and Install Xhorse MVCI Pro J2534 Driver 7

Install car drivers you desired, current available drivers, VW, Honda, Toyota, Ford, Mazda and Subaru. Keep updating.

Download and Install Xhorse MVCI Pro J2534 Driver 8

Check current latest mvci pro software and firmware version

Current software version: V1.0.3

Current firmware version V1.2.0

Both software and firmware version can be updated online.

Download and Install Xhorse MVCI Pro J2534 Driver 9

Setting option

Download and Install Xhorse MVCI Pro J2534 Driver 10

After install software, device driver you can run diagnosis.