Tips to Cut Toyota TOY51 Emergency Key by Xhorse Dolphin XP005


How do you duplicate emergency key for 2021 Toyota Highlander TOY51 SINGLE SIDE with the newer version of Xhorse Dolphin XP005 with M5 clamp? Probe does not detect key, clamp seems too low.

Tips to Cut 2021 Toyota TOY51 Key with Xhorse Dolphin XP005 1


Here is the clue:

You cut it on the wrong side.

You need to use the correct profile use the TOY40 one sided blade for emergency blade and it will work.

You cut the key on side A, not side B, the spacer is for condor, not dolphin. The double sided version is cut on side B.

You do not need a spacer with the dolphin, that’s for the Xhorse condor.

Select the correct key and it cuts perfectly every single time, no need to do anything special.


Go under TOY40 emergency key. New dolphin doesn’t use spacer.


Tips to Cut 2021 Toyota TOY51 Key with Xhorse Dolphin XP005 2


Tips to Cut 2021 Toyota TOY51 Key with Xhorse Dolphin XP005 3


Tips to Cut 2021 Toyota TOY51 Key with Xhorse Dolphin XP005 4

Xhorse Dolphin XP008 Sounds Weird Solution

One of our customers reported that his Xhorse Dolphin XP008 manual key cutting machine sounds weird when duplicating key.


Here is the possible solution from Xhorse engineer.

1.Unscrew these two screws and take off the belt.


Xhorse Dolphin XP008 Makes Weird Sound Solution 1


2. Unscrew 5 screws on the shell

Xhorse Dolphin XP008 Makes Weird Sound Solution 2

3. Unscrew the top screw in this hole.

Xhorse Dolphin XP008 Makes Weird Sound Solution 3

4. Unscrew the cutter head and you can take out the bearing

Xhorse Dolphin XP008 Makes Weird Sound Solution 4

5. You can apply some glue on these two bearings, it must be a thin layer.

Xhorse Dolphin XP008 Makes Weird Sound Solution 5

Install machine again, then try to cut key.

Xhorse Condor II or Dolphin II for Household Key Duplication?

Entry question:

Looking to buy my first horse key cutting machine mainly for auto and household key duplication. Should I go for the Dolphin XP005L or the Condor II? Any recommendations?


They have the same car key database.

As for household key cutting, xhorse dolphin I and dolphin II will not cut house key by bitting. You need to write the bitting yourself.

Dolphin will duplicate only.

Dolphin will cut household keys via Universal Key Duplication only if you have a working key.

Condor Xc mini plus 2 will cut them by code. It is the only xhorse machine has the option to cut house keys by code.

The Condor II machine allows you to use custom bitting directly on the machine. You also need the M4 clamp. Once you learn to create and use custom bitting, the machine will cut extremely accurately, usually within a thousandth of an inch.


Xhorse Condor II or Dolphin II for Household Keys 1


What household keys does it in the database?

It has a lot of key types in the 100s for house keys.
Kwikset KW1, KW10, Schlage SC1, SC4, & Y1 etc.

You can check household key types in the menu.

Xhorse Condor II or Dolphin II for Household Keys 2

Xhorse Condor II or Dolphin II for Household Keys 3

Xhorse Condor II or Dolphin II for Household Keys 4

Generally, Dolphin is a better option for van. If you want to go with Condor you can buy a battery/converter kit that comes with 12v van and wall outlet.

I like my condor mini plus ii with the battery conversion. I charge it from the 12v outlet and it lasts for 20-30 keys depending. I also have the battery powered condor duplicator that also charges from the 12v car port. The Condor ii works great, the cover protects from flying debris, and it is controllable using the screen or key tool max or cellphone app.

Honda HON66 Key Cutting by Xhorse Condor XC-002 Pro

This is a tutorial on how to cut a HON66 key with Xhorse Condor XC-002 PRO. Always remember the key cutting machine was well-calibrated(Height Level Adjustment) before working.


Height Level Adjustment

Method 1.

  • Insert the original key with the help of a guiding block. Use a shim to make sure the key is well aligned.
  • Insert the key blank to the right for ready.
  • Press down the main handle and check the indicator light. Follow the direction of the light and rotate the micro-adjust knob until the middle light turns green.


Xhorse Condor XC-002 Pro Cut HON66 Key 1


Xhorse Condor XC-002 Pro Cut HON66 Key 2


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Xhorse Condor XC-002 Pro Cut HON66 Key 6

Method 2.

If you don’t have a shim momentarily, follow the method as below.

  • We can also use probes of the same specification on both sides to ensure the accuracy.
  • Press down the main handle and rotate the handle to lock it. Utilize the probe and cutter of Condor XC-002 PRO machine for key alignment.
  • Replace the cutter back and adjust the micro-adjust knob until the middle light turns green.


Height level adjustment was finished.

Xhorse Condor XC-002 Pro Cut HON66 Key 7



Before cutting, take a look at the clamp. There are 3 marked positions at the bottom of the clamp: A, B and C.

  1. Slide in the clamp and make one triangle directs to the line depending on your need.
  2. Turn on the power switch of the cutter, adjust the speed control knob to a suitable speed.


Xhorse Condor XC-002 Pro Cut HON66 Key 8


Cut HON66 Key

Now let’s start duplicating the key.

  1. Press down the main handle and start cutting the first side.
  2. After finishing, turn off the power switch. Clean up the clamp and flip the key.
  3. Similarly align the key and finish calibration of the other side.
  4. Turn on switch to cut the other side of key.


*Please remember to turn off the power when completed.


Now the new HON66 key cutting has been finished.

Xhorse Condor XC-002 Pro Cut HON66 Key 9

Xhorse Condor XC-002 Pro Cut HON66 Key 10

How to Duplicate Dimple Keys by Xhorse Condor XC-002 Pro

The upgraded version Xhorse Condor XC-002 Pro manual key cutting will duplicate dimple, double sided, single sided, 4 track external, 2 track external, 4 track internal, channel track keys. Here we will show how to cut a dimple key with condor xc-002 pro.


Cut Dimple Keys by Xhorse Condor XC-002 Pro 1


1. Insert the internal dimple probe and cutters

Cut Dimple Keys by Xhorse Condor XC-002 Pro 2
2. Insert the original key and the blank key using a shim

Cut Dimple Keys by Xhorse Condor XC-002 Pro 3

Cut Dimple Keys by Xhorse Condor XC-002 Pro 4
3. Rotate the knob to standard mode

Cut Dimple Keys by Xhorse Condor XC-002 Pro 5
4. Calibration. Follow the direction of the light until the middle light turns green


Cut Dimple Keys by Xhorse Condor XC-002 Pro 6

Make sure the clamp is in the corresponding position.


Cut Dimple Keys by Xhorse Condor XC-002 Pro 7
Turn on the cutter switch.


5. Duplicate the key
Press down the main handle to duplicate the key.

Cut Dimple Keys by Xhorse Condor XC-002 Pro 8

Cut Dimple Keys by Xhorse Condor XC-002 Pro 9


Cut Dimple Keys by Xhorse Condor XC-002 Pro 10


Turn off the switch after finishing one side cutting.
Clip the key and continue to cut the other side.

After finishing cutting the other side, turn off the switch and clean up.

Cut Dimple Keys by Xhorse Condor XC-002 Pro 11
6. Insert the dimple probe and cutter (external) to Xhorse Condor XC 002 pro.

Replace the internal dimple probe and cutter with external ones.

Cut Dimple Keys by Xhorse Condor XC-002 Pro 12

Cut Dimple Keys by Xhorse Condor XC-002 Pro 13

7. Switch the konb to dimple mode

Cut Dimple Keys by Xhorse Condor XC-002 Pro 14

8. Insert the keys
9. Finish the calibration.
Clamp the keys and finish calibration.

Cut Dimple Keys by Xhorse Condor XC-002 Pro 15
10. Duplicate the key
Turn on the cutter switch to cut key.
After finishing one side, turn off the switch.


Cut Dimple Keys by Xhorse Condor XC-002 Pro 16

Clip the key and continue to cut the other side.


Cut Dimple Keys by Xhorse Condor XC-002 Pro 17

After finishing cutting the other side, turn off the switch and clean up.

Now we have a working dimple key.

Cut Dimple Keys by Xhorse Condor XC-002 Pro 18

Xhorse Dolphin XP005 Decode and Cut Ford HU198T Key Blank

We have a customer who successfully decoded and cut 2022 Ford Maverick HU198T key blank with Xhorse condor ii under Escape HU198T.

Here is another way to decode and cut new HU198T key blank if you don’t know decode under Escape HU198T.

It is a 2024 Ford Mavericks. It has new HU198T key blank.

Let’s control the Xhorse Dolphin XP005 key cutting machine by the VVDI Key Tool Plus.


Go to Cut key-> Vehicle database
If selected by model Ford->Maverick, no 2024 HU198T is available. So we cannot go by car.

We scroll down All key blank. There are 4 HU198Ts. The difference is the depth.


Decode 2024 Ford new HU198T Key with Xhorse Dolphin XP005 1
Decode 2024 Ford new HU198T Key with Xhorse Dolphin XP005 2


All 4 of them say 10bits,  this one if we go into it we can see down here it has five depths.
Another one has four depths.

Decode 2024 Ford new HU198T Key with Xhorse Dolphin XP005 3

We are not sure about which to choose.  What happens if you decode it with the wrong key blank.

For example, let’s decode under 4 depths.
What it decodes is wrong.

If we go find bitting, it is not going to come up with anything.

Decode 2024 Ford new HU198T Key with Xhorse Dolphin XP005 4

Decode 2024 Ford new HU198T Key with Xhorse Dolphin XP005 5


Decode 2024 Ford new HU198T Key with Xhorse Dolphin XP005 6


Decode 2024 Ford new HU198T Key with Xhorse Dolphin XP005 7


Then we go to the 5 depths, the bitting the same.
But try find bitting, still no data.

Decode 2024 Ford new HU198T Key with Xhorse Dolphin XP005 8

Decode 2024 Ford new HU198T Key with Xhorse Dolphin XP005 9

Let’s select 1st one that also 5 depths.
Still got the same bitting.
If we go to find bitting, we got the key code this time.
Decode 2024 Ford new HU198T Key with Xhorse Dolphin XP005 10


Decode 2024 Ford new HU198T Key with Xhorse Dolphin XP005 11

That’s correct.


Decode 2024 Ford new HU198T Key with Xhorse Dolphin XP005 12

We can cut key by Dolphin XP005 with the key code.


What is the difference between the 2 five depths?
Looking at those little numbers down next to 12345.

One has little number and one does not. That’s the difference.

Decode 2024 Ford new HU198T Key with Xhorse Dolphin XP005 13
If you want to be safe, find one you know if you are decoding an existing key and you don’t have the vantage of having a code.
Do a little trial and error and if you find one that spits out a code when you hit the find bitting button, it is pretty safe to say that you got the right one.

How to Solve Xhorse Dolphin XP005 Error Code 29


When using Xhorse Dolphin XP005 universal key duplication function, it displayed error code 49. How to fix it?


Xhorse Dolphin XP005 Error Code 49 Solution 1



Just as it said, do Height level adjustment and clamp calibration before cutting.


How to do height level adjustment?

•Click Device Info at the bottom
•then click “Height Level Adjustment”
•Next you will want to READ the onscreen directions and follow them exactly.

Xhorse Dolphin XP005 Error Code 49 Solution 2


Xhorse Dolphin XP005 Error Code 49 Solution 3

Xhorse Condor XC-002 Pro Top 6 New Features

Today we’re taking about 6 new features of Xhorse Condor XC-002 Pro manual key cutting machine.


  1. LED Light & Speed Display

Power up the machine, and turn on the power switch. And you’ll notice the LED light in the front will turn on, the speed display will also light up.


xhorse condor xc-002 pro new feature 1


xhorse condor xc-002 pro new feature 2


  1. Easier Probe & Cutter Installation

The Condor XC-002 Pro offers an easier way to install probes and cutters. There’s no need to use an Allen wrench to install the probe and the cutter anymore.


What we need to do is simply pull the lock switch to make sure it’s unlocked. Insert the probe all the way up and pull to lock the switch.


The installation of the cutter is the same. Loosen the lock switch, insert and hold the cutter and lock the switch.


The innovative method not only makes the installation more convenient, but also ensures the automatic centering and clamping of the probe and the cutter avoiding center deviation caused by traditional method. And greatly improving the accuracy and reliability of cutting.


xhorse condor xc-002 pro new feature 3


xhorse condor xc-002 pro new feature 4


  1. Cutter Power Switch & Speed Control Knob.

After powering up the machine, when we press down the main handle, you can see the cutter actually is not spinning.


What we need to do is turn on the cutter power switch at the right side. Press down the handle, you can see the cutter is spinning immediately. We rotate the handle clockwise to lock it. And rotate this knob to adjust the speed of the cutter.


XC-002 Pro now offers seven speeds to facilitate your work.


xhorse condor xc-002 pro new feature 5


xhorse condor xc-002 pro new feature 6


  1. Mode Switch Knob

The red knob on top is the mode switch knob, which allows you to switch between dimple mode and standard mode.


We rotate the knob to switch to the dimple mode, now the probe can move up and down to detect the depth of the holes on the key. The mode is mainly used to duplicate dimple keys. When the knob directs at standard mode, we can cut double sided, single sided, 4 track external, 2 track external, 4 track internal, channel track keys.


BTW, there’s a QR code here, scan it to view the Condor XC002 Pro tutorials. If you encounter problems, you no longer have to rush online to search for videos. This is very convenient.


xhorse condor xc-002 pro new feature 7


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xhorse condor xc-002 pro new feature 10


  1. New Clamp

This is a newly-designed clamp for Condor XC-002 Pro.


Slide in the clamp, and make sure the mark at the bottom of the machine points to the little triangle of C, B or A on the clamp. You can adjust the position to your needs, then tighten the knob.


Condor XC-002 Pro features 3 groove for key clamping. The left one can be used to clamp edge cut keys. This is a guiding block, used to assist us to clamp edge cut keys. Insert the guiding block. And we have an edge cut key here. Now we insert the key and make sure it is aligned using a shim. Tighten the clamp knob. Then we can hold the main handle and press down to start cutting. The silver handle beside the sub-handle in our left can be used to assist out cutting.


The middle groove can be used to cut internal cut keys. Insert the key, then tighten the clamp knob. Loosen the black locking knobs behind the clamp. Rotate the clamp to 45°and lock it. We usually use the right groove to hold thin house keys like this one. Loosen the black locking knobs, and return the clamp to its normal flat state.


Additionally, each of the three grooves has its recommended clamp mounting location. For example, when you use the left groove, it is recommended to fix the clamp at point C. The middle groove corresponds to point B. The right groove corresponds to point A. Of course, you can also adjust the position of the clamp according to your operating habits.


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xhorse condor xc-002 pro new feature 15


  1. Movement Of The Cutting Platform

When these 2 limitation knobs are fully released, the cutting platform can be moved freely.


And if we only tighten the right knob, the cutting platform can only move along Y-axis. However, when moving along X-axis, the platform will always go back to its original position after you release the handle.


If both knobs are tightened, the cutting platform can only move along Y-axis. And the X-axis movement is completed locked. This can help us when cutting some keys that require linear cutting.

xhorse condor xc-002 pro new feature 16

Xhorse Condor XC-009 Battery Discharge Problem Solution


We have problems with Xhorse Condor XC-009 manual key cutting machine! The battery seem to discharge within a few days. The batteryalso discharge when we don’t cut keys with them!



Charge the battery overnight and measure the battery voltage. The voltage should be 24-25v if fully charged.


Remove screws and remove shell.

Xhorse Condor XC-009 Battery Discharge 1




Measure voltage.

Xhorse Condor XC-009 Battery Discharge 2

If the voltage is below 24v, take a video and send to technical support. You condor xc-009 may need a battery replacement.

How to Solve Xhorse Condor II Error Code 42?


I got error code 42 when decoding HU83 key blank with xhorse condor ii key cutting machine.

I have cleaned several times Also made calibration again Still same. Any advice?

Xhorse Condor II Error Code 42


Xhorse Condor II Error Code 42 solution 1


Xhorse Condor II Error Code 42 solution 2



As the condor ii said, probe and cutter are not at same height.
Clean the probe/cutter or do a height level adjustment.


How to do height level adjustment?

•Click Device Info at the bottom
•then click “Height Level Adjustment”
•Next you will want to READ the onscreen directions and follow them exactly.



It works after adjusting height level.