How to Cut Aluminium Key with Xhorse Dolphin II?


Where is the option for aluminium key in Xhorse dolphin xp005l I can’t find it having to use old dolphin XP005.


Xhorse Dolphin II No Aluminium Key Option



You have to use the M2 clamp.
There is no such an option for the M5 clamp. The Plastic key/aluminium key function was removed.

Xhorse Dolphin II No Aluminium Key Option 2

Xhorse engineer solution:

For keys made of normal conductive materials, place them directly for cutting. For keys made of non-conductive materials, place the keys normally at the beginning of cutting. When the milling cutter starts to rotate, click Pause. After changing the key, click Continue Cutting.


1. Mount blank metal and machine to do a detection test.
2. After detection finishes, simple click PAUSE, swap blade.
3. Click RESUME, this is just 1 step before the spindle start, so no more blank key detection.


Customer simple solution.
Take a metal version key blank and I use the should stopper against the back edge of the clamp, so when u put the key blank in the clamp the tip of the key hits the shoulder stopper ur holding fast up against the clamp.
Then let the machine “located” the key. then as soon as it turns the motor on hit pause.
Then take the metal blank out and swap it with the aluminum blank. again using the shoulder stop to stop the tip of the key.
Then hit continue.
Some people do this for JLR hu101 keys

It works fork plastic keys (HU66) too.

Xhorse Dolphin XP005L Calibration Error Code 6 Solution


One of our customers failed to calibrate the Xhorse Dolphin XP005L key cutting machine. The dolphin ii reported error code 6 during the calibration process.

Dolphin XP005L Calibration Error Code 6 1

Dolphin XP005L Calibration Error Code 6 2

Possible solution:

Open the back cover and adjust the X-axis sensor or baffle.


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Dolphin XP005L Calibration Error Code 6 4


User feedback:

He checked and found this part is broken.

Dolphin XP005L Calibration Error Code 6 5

Final solution:

Need to replace the X-axis sensor.

Better replace the sensor of other axes to the X-axis and do an X-axis motor test first to see if there are any other problems.

Then send the test result to us.

Xhorse Condor II or Dolphin II for Household Key Duplication?

Entry question:

Looking to buy my first horse key cutting machine mainly for auto and household key duplication. Should I go for the Dolphin XP005L or the Condor II? Any recommendations?


They have the same car key database.

As for household key cutting, xhorse dolphin I and dolphin II will not cut house key by bitting. You need to write the bitting yourself.

Dolphin will duplicate only.

Dolphin will cut household keys via Universal Key Duplication only if you have a working key.

Condor Xc mini plus 2 will cut them by code. It is the only xhorse machine has the option to cut house keys by code.

The Condor II machine allows you to use custom bitting directly on the machine. You also need the M4 clamp. Once you learn to create and use custom bitting, the machine will cut extremely accurately, usually within a thousandth of an inch.


Xhorse Condor II or Dolphin II for Household Keys 1


What household keys does it in the database?

It has a lot of key types in the 100s for house keys.
Kwikset KW1, KW10, Schlage SC1, SC4, & Y1 etc.

You can check household key types in the menu.

Xhorse Condor II or Dolphin II for Household Keys 2

Xhorse Condor II or Dolphin II for Household Keys 3

Xhorse Condor II or Dolphin II for Household Keys 4

Generally, Dolphin is a better option for van. If you want to go with Condor you can buy a battery/converter kit that comes with 12v van and wall outlet.

I like my condor mini plus ii with the battery conversion. I charge it from the 12v outlet and it lasts for 20-30 keys depending. I also have the battery powered condor duplicator that also charges from the 12v car port. The Condor ii works great, the cover protects from flying debris, and it is controllable using the screen or key tool max or cellphone app.

How to Go to Xhorse Dolphin XP005L Developer Mode?

If your Xhorse dolphin xp005l (dolphin ii) key cutting machine does not bring new updates and whenever you update it stucks on screen, you may need to enter developer mode to update firmware.


enable xhorse dolphin xp005l developer mode 1


enable xhorse dolphin xp005l developer mode 2


Here is the guide to enter developer mode.

Go to System


enable xhorse dolphin xp005l developer mode 3


Press the question mark icon on the right top of the screen

enable xhorse dolphin xp005l developer mode 4

Press the QR code

enable xhorse dolphin xp005l developer mode 5

Press Yes to clear all data and enter Developer Mode (factory mode).

enable xhorse dolphin xp005l developer mode 6

Update firmware in Developer mode.

Then switch to normal mode to update firmware again.

It should be fine.

How to Replace Xhorse Dolphin XP005L WiFi Module?


I connect my Xhorse Dolphin XP005L to a phone via Bluetooth, it keeps disconnecting by itself. after that i connect back then it immediately disconnects. Firmware and database are up to date.

I also use the machine with key tool plus. he has disconnected with it a total of 1 time so far. it is much rarer there. Any solution?

Xhorse Dolphin XP005L Bluetooth Constantly Disconnect 1


Xhorse Dolphin XP005L Bluetooth Constantly Disconnect 2


Xhorse Dolphin XP005L Bluetooth Constantly Disconnect 3


Xhorse Dolphin XP005L Bluetooth Constantly Disconnect 4


Xhorse Dolphin XP005L Bluetooth Constantly Disconnect 5


Update firmware and database to latest version, then connect with Xhorse App.

If all versions are up to date, but Bluetooth still constantly disconnecting, the problem would be the WiFi module on the mainboard.

Contact us to verify if the WiFi module need to be replaced. We will send you WiFi module for replacement.

Remove the screen and replace WiFi module (on the same control board)

Xhorse Dolphin XP005L Replace Guide

Here comes the Xhorse Dolphin XP005L (Dolphin II) key cutting machine maintenance manual.

This manual is applicable to models with serial number KM10, KM11 of Dolphin II.


  • Machine disassembly exploded pictures
  • Replace the battery
  • Replace the mainboard
  • Replace the screen
  • Replace the spindle motor belt
  • Replace the motor
  • Replace the X-axis screw shaft motor
  • Replace the Y-axis screw shaft motor
  • Replace the Z-axis screw shaft motor
  • Replace the X-axis sensor
  • Replace the Y-axis sensor
  • Replace the Z-axis sensor
  • Replace or inspect the probe wires
  • Replace or inspect the cutter wires
  • Replace the probe shaft or the cutter shaft
  • Main shaft abnormal noise maintenance
  • Replace the key switch and USB port
  • Replace clamp parts M2 clamp
  • Replace clamp parts M5 clamp

1 Machine disassembly exploded pictures


Xhorse Dolphin XP005L Maintenance Guide 1


Xhorse Dolphin XP005L Maintenance Guide 2


Xhorse Dolphin XP005L Maintenance Guide 3



2 Method of replacing parts due to machine malfunction

2.1 Replace the battery

Please refer to the disassembly pictures P1, P2, P3, and P4 in Chapter 1. Remove the screws in the red frame separately to replace the battery module with a new one, and plug in the three wiring ports of the battery accordingly


2.2 Replace the mainboard

Reason for replacement:

1. The cutter non-conductive

2.Unable to charge

3.Unable to power on or upgrade.

4. LED light does not light up

5.Startup error

6.cutting error.

Please refer to the disassembly pictures P1 and P2 in Chapter 1. Remove the screws in the black frame to remove the rear cover. Then refer P5 to remove the screws at position Z of the white frame at ⑩, and then remove the screws in the black frame at ① to ⑤ separately to replace the mainboard with a new one. Insert the mainboard port according to the wire harness label.


2.3 Replace the screen

Please refer to the disassembly pictures P1 and P2 in Chapter 1. Remove the screws in the black frame separately to remove the rear cover and screen, then remove the screws in the white frame, as shown in the following picture, remove the wires in the circle, then push out the bracket that fixes the screen, and finally remove the plastic pins from the screen harness, then you can separate the screen from the back rover.


Xhorse Dolphin XP005L Maintenance Guide 4



2.4 Replace the spindle motor belt of xhorse dolphin ii

Due to long-terms use, the belt should be replaced in a timely manner when it ages, breaks or slips (breaking the cutter during cutting). Refer to P1 and P2 in Chapter 1, remove the screws in the black frame to remove the rear cover, then refer P5 to remove the screws in the yellow frame at ⑥⑦, and then rotate the Z-axis in the red circle clockwise to its highest position, then refer P6 to remove the screw from the red frame at ①② to remove the front cover and screen and replace them. Then refer P7 to replace the belt. Insert the mainboard port according to the wire harness label.


2.5 Replace the motor

2.5.1 Replace the spindle motor

When the motor makes abnormal noise, it needs to be replaced. Refer chapter 2.4 to remove the front cover and belt, then refer P7 to remove the screws in the white frame at ①② and green frame at ③, after that, replace it directly.

2.5.2 Replace the X-axis screw shaft motor

When the screw motor gets stuck or bent, the X-axis screw shaft motor need to replace. Refer to the disassembly pictures P1 and P2, remove the screws in their black frame separately to remove the rear cover, refer P8 to remove the screws in the red frame at ③④, after that, replace it directly. Replace the x-axis rail need to refer to chapter 2.1. Remove the battery first, then refer P9 to remove the screws in the black frame at ①, then remove screws in the red frame at ② and the white screws at③④, after that, replace it directly


2.5.3 Replace the Y-axis screw shaft motor

When the screw motor gets stuck or bent, the Y-axis screw shaft motor need to replace. Refer chapter 2.2 to remove the mainboard first, then refer P8 to remove the screws in the black frame at ①② and the red frame at ③④, refer chapter 2.5.2 to remove the X-axis screw shaft motor first, then refer P10 to remove the screws in the black frame at ①, remove the screws in the red circle in the picture below , then replace the Y-axis screw shaft motor directly.


Xhorse Dolphin XP005L Maintenance Guide 5


2.5.4 Replace the Z-axis screw shaft motor

When the screw motor gets stuck or bent, the Z-axis screw shaft motor need to replace. Refer to the chapter 2.2 to remove the mainboard first, refer P8 to remove the screws in the black frame at ①②, then refer P10 to remove the screw in the white frame at②③, then replace the Z-axis screw shaft motor directly.


2.6 Replace the sensor

2.6.1 Replace the X-axis sensor

When the sensor is defective or damaged, it needs to be replaced. Please refer P1 and P2 to remove the screws in the green frame and remove the rear cover, then refer P5 to remove the screws at position X in the white frame at ⑧, then replace it. Insert the mainboard port according to the wire harness label.

2.6.2 Replace the Y-axis sensor

When the sensor is defective or damaged, it needs to be replaced. Please refer P1 and P2 to remove the screws in the green frame and remove the rear cover, then refer P5 to remove the screws at position Y in the white frame at ⑨, then replace it. Insert the mainboard port according to the wire harness label.

2.6.3 Replace the Z-axis sensor

When the sensor is defective or damaged, it needs to be replaced. Please refer P1 and P2 to remove the screws in the green frame and remove the rear cover, then refer P5 to remove the screws at position Z in the white frame at ⑩, then replace it. Insert the mainboard port according to the wire harness label.


2.7 Replace or inspect the probe wires

2.7.1 The probe non-conductive Poor contact or broken circuit caused by worn probe wires. Refer chapter 2.3 to remove the front cover and belt, then refer P7 to remove the green frame at③, refer P6 to remove the white frame at③④⑤. As shown in the left picture below, gently pull the red probe wire forward while shaking the probe base. Then in the right picture below, you can see the screw which fixed probe in the red frame, unscrew it to replace the probe and cutting wires. Insert the mainboard port according to the wire harness label.

Xhorse Dolphin XP005L Maintenance Guide 6

2.7.2 The probe remains conductive

Refer to chapter 2.7.1, check if the probe wire is broken, and if there are metal debris near the fixing screws or at the lamp panel (don’t blow with an air gun)


2.8 Replace or inspect the cutter wires

2.8.1 The cutter non-conductive

Poor contact or broken circuit caused by worn probe wires, refer chapter 2.7.1 to replace the probe and cutting wires. Insert the mainboard port according to the wire harness label.


2.8.2 The cutter remains conductive Refer to chapter 2.7.1, check if the cutter wire is broken, and if there are metal debris near the fixing screws or at the lamp panel (don’t blow with an air gun). If none of the above situation exist, the cutter remains conductive, refer P7 to loosen the screws in the black frame at⑤⑥⑦, and tighten the screws in the red frame at⑧⑨, use your fingers to push the cutter hole upwards slowly, then observe if the white insulation paper is broken or if there are metal debris inside the cutting shaft (Don’t blow with an air gun), refer to the picture on the right. when reinstalling the screws, it is necessary to refer P7 to loosen the screws in the red frame at⑧⑨ first.

Xhorse Dolphin XP005L Maintenance Guide 7

2.9 Replace the probe shaft or the cutter shaft

When the top thread of the probe and the cutter is slippery and cannot be removed, it is necessary to replace the probe shaft or the cutter shaft. Replace the probe shaft needs to refer chapter 2.7.1 and replace the probe base. Replace the cutter shaft needs to refer chapter 2.8 and remove the cutter shaft, then refer chapter 2.10 to disassemble it.


2.10 Main shaft abnormal noise maintenance

Reason for abnormal noise: metal debris present, belt wear and large gap in the shaft hole for the cutter. Refer chapter 2.3 to remove the front cover, clean the metal debris, replace the belt, or refer P7 to loosen the screws in the red frame at⑧⑨, and tighten the screws in the black frame at⑤⑥⑦. The disassembly and assembly of the spindle structure are as follows:


Xhorse Dolphin XP005L Maintenance Guide 8


2.11 Replace the key switch and USB port

Replace the key switch needs to refer the P1 and P2 and remove the screws in the black frame, and remove the rear cover, then refer to the picture on the right, remove the screws securing the switch on the rear cover in the green frame, then replace it. Replace the fuse need to refer to the picture on the right, on the back of the machine, remove the screws in the red frame, and rotate it out to replace it.

Xhorse Dolphin XP005L Maintenance Guide 9

2.12 Replace clamp parts M2 clamp: Rotate the knob outward on the left picture, then it can be disassembled. Replace the corresponding parts according to the picture on the right.

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Note: M2 clamp needs to pay attention to the gaps in the fright figure , align it before tightening, Otherwise, it may get stuck.


Xhorse Dolphin XP005L Maintenance Guide 11


M5 clamp: Remove the nut in the white frame and remove the screws in the red frame on the picture below, rotate the knob outward on the left picture, then it can be disassembled. Replace the corresponding parts according to the picture on the right.

Xhorse Dolphin XP005L Maintenance Guide 12

Download Dolphin II maintenance manual in PDF format.