Program 2017 Ford Explorer Smart Key using Xhorse XM38 902Mhz

User review:

Saved by xhorse universal remote again.

It is a 2017 Ford Explorer.  902mhz. FCC ID: M3N-A2C31243300

Using 902 Xhorse XM38 smart key.

Generate with xhorse and program by Autel IM508.

There is a way to change button configuration.  Hot function has menu for button config.


Xhorse XM38 Works on 2017 Ford Explorer 902Mhz 1


I changed the Panic for Remote Start on my Explorer.  You should stock those. Every popular.

This one was Xhorse XM38 smart key. Autel also has Ford style 902 smart key.

Xhorse XM38 Works on 2017 Ford Explorer 902Mhz 2

The difference is that Xhorse single remote can do 315mhz/902mhz. On Autel they are separate remotes. The L (315/433 MHz) and the H (868/902 MHz) versions.

Autels catalog is pretty limited, so less entries means less mistakes too. On the other hand, Xhorse only needs you to stock less keys, has a bigger coverage, and you have a feedback section where you read other users success/failures and any additional information they share.

How to Solve Xhorse XM38 Toyota C-HR 2019 2020 Not Working?


2020 Toyota c-hr all keys lost. The customer had purchased one key from dealer. Programmed it with autopropad no problem!! And works fine. Then he asked if I could do a second key and I only had universal xhorse xm38 Toyota so I when and added second key! Now the car took the fob and it show same readings but it only works the remote part not the immo like if the key wasn’t programmed, I’ve already tried messing with the frequency and proximity power nothing changes. The car show 2 fobs programmed but only the oem works, any advice??

2019 2020 Toyota C-HR AKL Xhorse XM38 Prox Not Working 1


2019 2020 Toyota C-HR AKL Xhorse XM38 Prox Not Working 2




Frequency issue.

Easy just change the frequency to 314.50 on all frequency options after programming it to the car. Worked for me. Also there are two options for C-HR.



The same thing happened to me a couple of days ago Toyota C-HR 2019 generates the remote PCB 0010 of frequency 314 and there was no proximity I increased intensity and tried everything nothing worked, and so as the key was I put it in the device and generates the PCB 0410 frequency 315, after that the key worked proximity and everything perfect I do not know why but I did not have to do again the add key because so no more already worked the key.


Better use original key for most of them if it is A9.

Generate Toyota Corolla 2023 Key using Xhorse XM38

How to find the key for 2023 Toyota Corolla Push with vvdi key tool max and XM38 Toyota?

Here is the clue.

Successfully generated Xhorse XM38 key with key tool max.


Generate Toyota Corolla 2023 Remote with Xhorse XM38 1


Use the Corolla 2561/1320 ID4A FCC ID HYQ14FBW option.

Generate Toyota Corolla 2023 Remote with Xhorse XM38 2
Generate Toyota Corolla 2023 Remote with Xhorse XM38 3

It works to lock and unlock the car, we modify the frequencies.

Trunk should be 09
Panic 10
Lock 01
Unlock 02

Generate Toyota Corolla 2023 Remote with Xhorse XM38 4

Frequencies should be like that. This is a perfect key. The key works just flawlessly. It starts the car.
If you guys ever need a 2023 Toyota Corolla this is how you’re going to generate that.

Xhorse XM38 Toyota RAV4 2020 Smart Key No Keyless Solution


Tried to add a smart key on a European Toyota RAV4 2020 with Xhorse XM38. I can read eeprom with vvdi key tool plus, erase all old keys, OEM key remains, and fully functional.

I have created, 8A smart. Rav4 0410 AA. ID8A.
And adjusted frequenting. I can add this, new xm38, Remote works, and push start button with key, car starts. No keyless entry, and no keyless go.

How to fix it?


Xhorse XM30 RAV4 2020 Keyless Function Not Working



It’s a dual frequency. In the USA market early smart 312.35/314.35 MHz. If it takes and something is not working correctly proximity or remote flip the frequency 314.35/312.035 that makes all work. Early 312.35/314.35 later 314.35/312.35 and then first generation 314.35 ASK followed by 314.35 FSK.

Try it with dual freq (433 something/413 something) if there such thing in the remote generating menu. If it’s working the trunk button will be dead you must manually change the remothe config in the remote generation menu. There will be the correct value in the menu something 0B or similar for the trunk.


User feedback:

Tried total of 4 dual 433 options.

And of course always the last that worked.

How to Solve Xhorse Toyota XM38 Remote Only Works when Push Start Button?


Trying to make a Smartkey for Toyota Land Cruiser 2018, 433.92mhz FSK. I prepared a Xhorse XM38 XSTO01EN key and I programmed it with IM608 Autel. The remote worked well but the transponder only works if you pushed the start/stop button with it, If I moved the key a few centimetres away from the button, the car would not detect it, and the engine would not start.
The only problem is that for the vehicle to detect the transponder and start the vehicle, you have to stick the key to the start button, as soon as you separate the key a few centimeters, the transponder signal is lost. Why the new Xhorse key only works over the start/stop button and not works if you moved away a few centimeters.


Xhorse Toyota XM38 Only Works Over Push the Start/Stop Button 1


Xhorse Toyota XM38 Only Works Over Push the Start/Stop Butto 2


Xhorse Toyota XM38 Only Works Over Push the Start/Stop Butto 3



Change signal strength had that issue on Hilux.

Change the signal strength.

On the menu of  vvdi mini Key tool, you look at

Toyota smart Key setting, and the signal value would be reduced.


Xhorse Toyota XM38 Only Works Over Push the Start/Stop Butto 4


Xhorse Toyota XM38 Only Works Over Push the Start/Stop Butto 5


If it still not working, try the following solutions:


Sometimes a smart key generated successfully may not fully function the vehicle: remote doesn’t work, doesn’t have smart feature or even one button fails etc., which needs us to modify smart keys values manually.


Possible reason:

Xhorse XM smart keys are universal keys, not particular for one model like Toyota Tacoma 2016, so we need to customize XM smart key to find correct values for each car.



Path: Special Function>>XM smart key customization


  1. Modify Frequency

Sometimes the frequency options given to us is slightly different from that of the smart key to be programmed.

So read out the frequency “A” that your vehicle wants by Xhorse devices, then read original XM smart key frequency “B” and set “B” to “A”.


2) Modify Baud

Read key’s Baud, increase it by 400, and test if it works perfectly.

If not, add Baud again by 400 until it works well. (The last two numbers may vary automatically, which is normal.)

Xhorse Subaru XM38 Failed to Generate Subaru 8A 4D Smart Key?

Some users reported that they failed to generate Xhorse XSSBR0EN Subaru XM38 remote on Subaru 8A/4D smart key models.

For example:

Tried to generate KeylessGp 4D, Legacy 2020-2022 8A, and Crosstrek 2018-2022 8A remote with Subaru XM38 but got an error.


Xhorse XSSBR0EN Subaru Does Not Support XM38 1


Xhorse XSSBR0EN Subaru Does Not Support XM38 2


Xhorse XSSBR0EN Subaru Does Not Support XM38 3


Xhorse XSSBR0EN Subaru Does Not Support XM38 4



Check the compatible remote type in Xhorse App.

You should use XM-28 Toyota or XM38 Toyota remotes for Subaru 4A/8A smart keys.

Xhorse XSSBR0EN Subaru Does Not Support XM38 5

As for the Subaru XM38, it is the universal XM38 remote.

These keys aren’t the XM38 Toyota special keys just nxp orange keys don’t work for Toyota or Subaru.

It can be used to generate remotes compatible with the XM38 Smart Key option.

Xhorse XSSBR0EN Subaru Does Not Support XM38 6

Xhorse XSSBR0EN Subaru Does Not Support XM38 7

How to Generate Lexus RX350 2019 Key with Xhorse XM38

Here are the tips to generate and modify Xhorse Toyota XM38 key for a Lexus rx350, FCCID: HYQ14FBB (231451-0010 “G” Board).



User report:

“Did a 2019 Lexus rx350 using xhorse XM38 and these are the settings that worked for me proximity and remote functions worked.

This one was especially for this key.

You can edit them manually. When you’re on the remote screen, on the bottom left there’s a “more” option. After that, select modify button-distance and then you can read the key after being generated.

Generate 2019 Lexus RX350 Remote with Xhorse XM38 1


Generate 2019 Lexus RX350 Remote with Xhorse XM38 2


Generate 2019 Lexus RX350 Remote with Xhorse XM38 3


Generate 2019 Lexus RX350 Remote with Xhorse XM38 4

How to Generate Toyota Prius 2018 Smart Key via Xhorse XM38

Need to add a smart key for a TOYOTA Prius Plus 2018 rest left hand drive.

Board number 89904-12370.


Program Toyota Prius Plus 2018 Key using Xhorse XM38 1


Original key

Program Toyota Prius Plus 2018 Key using Xhorse XM38 2
Program Toyota Prius Plus 2018 Key using Xhorse XM38 3

Key board


To use the Xhorse XM38 Toyota smart key we need to know what chip and transmitter frequencies the original key had.


This is TOYOTA, everything should be much simpler.
After reading the key, everything began to become clearer, and it no longer seemed so scary.

Program Toyota Prius Plus 2018 Key using Xhorse XM38 4

It is chip 8A, page 88.

Program Toyota Prius Plus 2018 Key using Xhorse XM38 5

radio transmitter templates. dual frequency

Choose template 0020 dual frequency. It’s just that these templates have different Page settings, somewhere 88, somewhere A8 or A9.
I write the option into the key. Then program the XM38 smart key to car.

Program Toyota Prius Plus 2018 Key using Xhorse XM38 6

Now a Prius with a key like a Camry.


In fact, it turns out that this key is not so unique. This is the same key as on the Camry 50/55 with only one difference, the Camry has a trunk release button, the Prius doesn’t have it, so the board number is different. A good alternative is the universal key from Xhorse xm38, you just need to configure it.